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Dr. Jay Lund: California's water future and the mission of scholarship and the university

Wednesday February 13, 2019, from 12:30 - 1:30 pm in the Student Services Building Room 120 (SSB120). Luncheon with the speaker at 11 am, location TBD. 

Snacks and beverages will be provided during the seminar. Please, bring your own mug to reduce waste.

California's water future and the mission of scholarship and the university


California is seen as a global success in water management, but still has major water problems. Some of California's major water problems are reviewed with promising directions for the future identified, based on the economic and environmental potential of different solution approaches. The talk concludes with some discussion of how university scholarship helps to improve water management in California and globally.



Dr. Jay Lund is Director of the Center for Watershed Sciences and and Distinguished Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California – Davis. He has long enjoyed teaching, research, and engagement on many aspects of theory and practice for water management and policy, usually trying to integrating economics and operations research with traditional engineering. He has become particularly engaged in working on the wide range of water problems in California with many collaborators, and remains enthusiastic about the potential of system analysis and optimization to provide understanding and insights for management and policy. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and an Adjunct Fellow with the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC). In California he was on the Advisory Committee for the 1998 and 2005 California Water Plan Updates, and has served as Convenor of the California Water and Environment Modeling Forum and Chair of California’s Delta Independent Science Board. He has long been involved in applying economic and optimization ideas to provide insights on California’s water problems, including the development and use of the CALVIN model of California’s water supply system. Dr. Lund has a B.A. in International Relations and Regional Planning from the University of Delaware (1979) and a BS in Civil Engineering, MA in Geography, and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington (Seattle). He has advised over 130 graduate students including 13 who are faculty at research universities globally, and has over 400 publications and reports.